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Anonymous Reporting

See something, say something!

At King Ocean Services, we strive to provide high-quality services and attention to our customers. We’ve created this space for you to report any incident or situation that poses a threat to our customers, staff, premises, cargo, or any violation of laws, regulations, or other policies.

 Report an Incident FAQS

What is the Anonymous Reporting section?

King Ocean offers a confidential channel through which you can report suspected violations of laws or rules in this section to take action and improve the quality of the processes and services of the company.

How does this section work?

Visitors must select between reporting anonymously, creating an account or logging in to their existing account.

After choosing the preferred option, the user can complete a form to provide all incident details.
All the information provided is stored in our services and protected against security violations.

What can you report?

If you see something that affects the company’s operations or the treatment of customers or employees, you can report it. Your report could address competition law, safety & security, threats to health or the environment, harassment, sexual misconduct, human rights violations, corruption, discrimination or other.

How do we handle your report?

After you complete the form, a team member verifies all the information provided and notifies the corresponding department to conduct research. Depending on the findings, King Ocean will take the necessary measures to redress the damage, if any, and prevent future incidents.

What can/can’t I do in this section?

With the anonymous reporting you can:

* Denounce irregularities in good faith based on laws and regulations listed below.

* Report incidents that may represent a risk to people, the supply chain or King Ocean’s equipment, employees, or facilities.

Do not use this tool to:

* Apply for employment

* General questions

How about confidentiality?

Reporters fill out the form anonymously or by logging in.

The system does not record personal data if you select the option “Report anonymously.”  If you decide to log in, the report will be linked to your profile for you to monitor updates, and we’ll never disclose your information to any party.

Anonymous Report

Please complete the form to report the incident or irregularity you witnessed, and be as specific as possible.

    Resources and Policies at King Ocean Services

    King Ocean Services is committed to fair competition in the shipping maritime industry.

    Learn more here:
    Competition Law (FMC)

    Security comes first! King Ocean is C-TPAT certified.

    Learn more about The Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism here:

    Safety of our employees, customers, and cargo is a must at King Ocean.

    All our employees follow a rigorous Code of Conduct to ensure customer satisfaction and an excellent workplace environment.

    In every port King Ocean operates, our employees follow the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act issued by the US government.

    Learn more here:
    Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

    King Ocean practices are guided by the human trafficking laws and regulations of the US.

    Learn more here:
    Human Trafficking

    Our commitment to the environment reflects on our processes and practices.

    For code of ethics, green policy, safety and health,
    please email us at