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King Ocean Services - south central


South Central America Cargo Services

SCA Service

Costa Rica and Panama

King Ocean Services provides fixed weekly service between South Florida and the Port of Manzanillo in Panama and Puerto Limon in Costa Rica. Our services into Panama and Costa Rica includes 20′, 40′ & 45′ Container loads in addition to Refrigerated containers, vehicles, heavy equipment and machinery. With Panama’s importance in the cargo trade and its utilization and location as a transshipment hub, we too will offer services from Panama to Colombia, Oranjestad, Willemstad, Venezuela and Costa Rica.

Our experienced, knowledgeable cargo care specialists in our offices are always available to respond to our customers’ special requirements. Backed by precise quality controls, state-of-the-art technology and a highly efficient customer-oriented team, King Ocean Services provides superior ocean transportation service to and from these two ports.

Request a quote

    kos-icon-1 Service Type

    Ocean Transportation
    LCL (Less Than Container Load)
    FCL (Full Container Load)
    Refrigerated Cargo Services
    Personal Effects
    Apparel (807)
    OOG (Out Of Gauge Cargo)
    Self Propelled Units

    For Northbound Service please
    Download Sailing Schedule

    kos-icon-2 Frequency

    Weekly Service
    (Sailing every Friday)
    kos-icon-3 Port of Loading

    Port Everglades, Florida, U.S.
    kos-icon-5 Type of Equipment

    20' Dry Container
    20' Reefer Container
    20' Flat Rack
    20' Open Top Container
    40' Dry Container
    40' Reefer Container
    40' Flat Rack
    40' Open Top Container
    45' Dry Container
    Break Bulk

    kos-icon-1 Service Manual

    Traffic Coordinator
    [email protected]
    Sailing out of Port Everglades
    Weekly Service | Every Friday
    Booking Request per Service
    [email protected]
    Documentation Contact
    [email protected]
    Hazmat Information (for Approval)
    [email protected]
    FCL Export Documentation Cut Off:
    Thursday by 12N
    LCL Export Documentation Cut Off:
    Thursday by 12N
    Hazmat Information:
    Wednesday by 5pm
    SOLAS VGM information:
    Friday by 12N
    FCL Cargo Cut Off:
    Friday by 5pm
    LCL Cargo Cut Off:
    Thursday by 12N

    For More information please
    Download the full manual

    King Ocean Services - service type
    Service Type

    Ocean Transportation LCL (Less Than Container Load)
    FCL (Full Container Load)
    Refrigerated Cargo Services
    Personal Effects Apparel (807)
    OOG (Out Of Gauge Cargo)
    Self Propelled Units Vehicles

    For Northbound Service please
    Download Sailing Schedule

    King Ocean Services - frequency

    Weekly Service
    (Sailing every Friday)

    King Ocean Services - port of loading
    Port of Loading

    Port Everglades, Florida, U.S.

    King Ocean Services - type of equipment
    Type of Equipment

    20′ Dry Container
    20′ Reefer Container
    20′ Flat Rack
    20′ Open Top Container
    40′ Dry Container
    40′ Reefer Container
    40′ Flat Rack
    40′ Open Top Container
    45′ Dry Container
    Break Bulk

    King Ocean Services - type of equipment
    Service Manual
    Traffic Coordinator
    [email protected]
    Sailing out of Port Everglades
    Weekly Service | Every Friday
    Booking Request per Service
    [email protected]
    Documentation Contact
    [email protected]
    Hazmat Information (for Approval)
    [email protected]
    FCL Export Documentation Cut Off:
    Thursday by 12N
    LCL Export Documentation Cut Off:
    Thursday by 12N
    Hazmat Information:
    Wednesday by 5pm
    SOLAS VGM information:
    Friday by 12N
    FCL Cargo Cut Off:
    Friday by 5pm
    LCL Cargo Cut Off:
    Thursday by 12N

    For More information please
    Download the full manual

    South Central América

    Costa Rica

    King Ocean Group S.A.
    La Uruca, De Romero Fournier
    100 metros Norte, Edif. Esquinero.
    Primer Nivel. San Jose. CR
    Ph. 506.4052.6090

    Panama City

    King Ocean International de Panama, S.A.
    Panama Pacifico
    Calle A Sur, Galera 9122 of. 6, Panama, Rep. de Panama
    Ph. 507.263.0100
    Fx. 507.263.0120

    Manzanillo Port, Colon

    King Ocean International de Panama S.A., Manzanillo International
    Terminal, Edif. "C" Piso 3
    Panama, Re. de Panama
    Ph. 507.430.0020
    Fx. 507.430.0024


    Honduras Terminal Charge Increase Applicable on Imports and Exports

    TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS Please be advised that effective January 2, 2022 the Honduras Terminal Charge will be increased as follows: Imports to Honduras Current Amount New Amount LCL Cargo $14.00 $16.00 Dry Containers $104.00 $124.00 Refrigerated Containers $120.00...

    Observance of Good Friday – South Florida

    King Ocean Services wishes to advise the trade that due to the upcoming holiday on Friday, April 10th, our Miami office will be closed and
    cut-off for documentation and cargo will be as follows…